oh man, treasure's talking reminds me of a dream I had last night I was in a warehouse with Solid Snake and there was this bald guy with sunglasses and wings who was giving a boss monologue and then he jumped up into the ceiling and he was crawling above Snake, and Snake took out a big ol' hunting knife and jammed it through the ceiling and when he took the knife out it was covered in blood oh maaan the bald guy came out of the ceiling and was like "haha, good one snake! It seems you still have some fight in you!" then he lunged onto snake and started wrestling him and I was watching this entire time I had a gun in my hand, but I wasn't doing anything to help oh damn so I tried shooting at the bald guy without hitting snake, and every time I missed so finally I got close enough to the bald guy, put the gun up to his head and pulled the trigger and nothing happened so I was like "dammit, it's jammed" you forgot to reload, sucka so I tried cocking it and shooting again, and nothing happened and the bald guy was like "um, it's not jammed, you need to reload" booya so I took out the magazine, and yeah it was empty called it but then I noticed that it wasn't a regular magazine, it was a magazine for plastic pellets the bald guy pulled out a full magazine and handed it to me, and was like "here you go kid" this made me kind of angry I was like "what, you guys don't trust me to really fight?" lol airsoft <+Elliotw2> That sounds like something that would happen in a MGS game hahah I usually don't remember such huge chunks of my dreams and snake started laughing and was like "well, you did try shooting at him while he was wrestling me" "even an experienced marksman wouldn't try that shot" "you've still got a lot of growing up to do" and I was like "oh... :(" I forget what happened next something about chickens and fred astaire the end