oh man oh man I had this crazy dream last night :O you know how you can send files through AIM and images on your cell phone? no i don't have either well, in my dream you could send objects through cell phones you're delusional and it just placed itself discreetly in the room where it would most logically go you should probably stop watching TRON 4 times a day never seen it, actually heathen but anyway, I was in a meeting in an art gallery one of those small crappy art galleries on main street that only sells one or two artists' paintings and I got a text and I opened it, and it said that I had been sent something from an unknown number so I looked around, and noticed there was a new vase sitting on shelf with other vases and I thought "who the hell would send me a vase?" and I looked around and no one noticed it had appeared, so I didn't say anything I would just pick it up after the meeting then I got another text same number same message and there was a potted plant sitting right behind me and I was like "who keeps sending me this stuff?" <@MrAccident> oh, sorry <@MrAccident> that was me so I texted them back and was like "sorry, I don't have your number, who is this?" <@MrAccident> I had a whole bunch of vases and potted plants and I wasn't sure what else to do with them and they just sent me something else and throughout the meeting, they kept sending me bigger and bigger crap <@PsychicKid> lol until there were giant totem poles blocking all the exits, huge metal pots inbetween the chairs, and racks of swords leaning against all the walls and by now, of course, everyone noticed something was up <@MrAccident> yeah I had a pretty big surplus and they asked "ok who keeps getting texts" and I was like "it's me, but I have no idea who it is" so I texted them to stop sending me crap and they responded "you shud have left erlier, now its to late, i am the art dealer, and as punshment 4 yr sins i wll drown u in art" and I was like "wtf I think someone's trying to kill me" and people started panicking and freaking out <@MrAccident> oh <@MrAccident> no, that couldn't have been me then trying to move the totem poles and get out of the room <@MrAccident> I would never type like that lol and more and more crap kept coming through, stacking on top of everything <@PsychicKid> you should stop dropping acid before bed time and stuff started falling over and hitting everyone in the head and I was like "god damn I have to do something" so I called up my friend and asked him to do some research on the art dealer and I called another friend and told him to send help <@PsychicKid> lol and the rest is kind of a blur, but my first friend did a bunch of detective work and found the art dealer he was sitting in a pub, sending texts and laughing his ass off and my friend drew something on his shoulder with a sharpie and then later in the dream, when the art dealer was chasing after him with a mask he saw the sharpie and threw a spear at him or something and the mask fell off and he only had one eye and he got stretched and pulled and burst into flames and my friend was like "ohhhh, so he was a demon" and then back in the art gallery, everyone just barely had their heads above a sea of art when the front window shattered and all the art came pouring out and it was my second friend with the fire department and then my first friend came back and was like "the art dealer was a demon, I threw a spear at him but he's still alive, and now he's going back to hell to get backup!" so I pulled one of the swords out of the puddle of art and was like "then we need to go in after him" i would have gotten the Painkiller and everyone who was in that meeting grabbed weapons and we were getting ready to siege hell and the art dealer had a bunch of tentacle and chain and horned demons and was coming back to the surface and right as we were about to cross swords the scene switched to John Cleese sitting in a japanese house and he said "And now, a woman chopping sea weed" <@MrAccident> ... and the camera panned over to a tiny japanese woman slicing sea weed and the credits started rolling over her and then I woke up and I was like "god damn what a gyp" THE END