I had a strange dream last night I was an elf and I traveled back in time through a train station locker and I had to save sarah connor from the terminator and I had a radar that showed where she was, and she was on a train then the scene changed to her in the same train as the Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he was shooting at her and she was screaming so we ran on the train and killed it I think we kicked it off the train and it got run over, or something anyways, so sarah connor thanked us, and we stuck around for a few thousand years and we built an entire invisible elf society and sarah kept asking us if we needed a place to stay because she couldn't see the giant castle a foot in front of her but one day, the castle fell under siege and I had to fight them off I ran around killing orcs for about 23 minutes and where there were only 7 minutes left, I still had 19 I had to kill when time ran out I still had 17 left :( so I went to the front desk to sign up for another go now it was a contest on Something Awful, to kill all the monsters in 30 minutes but you could only try three times you need better dreams thickfreakness had already tried three times, so he was banned from the topic anyways, I tried again, and this time your dream is too complicated and boring when the timer ran out, I had "max wake up, I want to watch firefly" monsters left but I woke up the end