oh man such an intense dream last night I don't even know if I can remember it all it was so long and epic did it involve samuel l jackson are you guys talking about anything else right now? no we're not really talking ok, cool so it started out, some friends and I were walking around town and we found this concrete pipe with a manhole cover sticking out of the grass and the manhole cover was off it and so we slid down it, and found a really nice and well furnished laboratory just sitting under the city there was an ajar door on the other side of the room so we opened it and in front of us there was this huge pit, dropping off into oblivion and hanging from the ceiling (the bottom of the street above us) were a bunch of crates I forget what was in the crates but it made my friends and I go "holy shit" "the world needs to know about this! This could change the foundation of civilization as we know it!" so after this huge adventure involvling submarines and sentient gold fish we told everyone and changed the world and it was pretty cool but a few years later we were all adults the world turned kind of shitty everyone as a bunch of assholes killing and looting in the streets so I called up my friends and was like "man, did we make the right decision all those years ago? changing the world like that?" and they were like "i'unno" END OF PART ONE PART TWO so there I was, in front of this regular suburban house but inside, it was crawling with vampires so I snuck in through the basement and was messing up statues and confusing all the vampires they were trying to prepare for this ritual and so then I was at the bottom floor, and it was a puzzle like the one in Golden Sun where you were inside the giant statue of a head, and had to make the tongue stick out but then Viral caught me and he was a vampire :O and he was saying that the entire ritual was meant to turn me into a vampire because I was the slayer or something and there was this really cool stuff after that all these glowy orbs and dark masters but I forget :( are you having one of your dreams again?! END OF PART TWO INTERMISSION :D I was at a little kids party and they were passing out stuffed animals and I got this little monkey, and it was adorable and shaped funny :O and I was playing with it, and I accidentally pulled off its head and I was like "aw, I liked that monkey :(" but it turned out that the head was connected to the body with a magnet and its head was meant to be pulled off so I was like "oh yay" also the party was taking place in a majora's mask dungeon :> END OF INTERMISSION max your dreams are too elaborate yeah, I know :( i tihnk you have a writer sit there with you and exaggerate them for dramatic effect >:I there are so many holes in this one yeah TFN I call bullshit on your dreams >:C so anyways PART THREE so I was Rorschach sitting in a bar with all the other Watchmen and I knew some crazy government secret but everyone I told or even spoke to melted into yellow goop ... is he going on about dreams again? yeah now shh its max's storytime :P and then the bartender asked me a question, and I answered him and he melted into goop and I was like "god dammit, that was a main character! I'd better get out of here!" so I ran around town, trying to tell people without the government killing them but no matter what I did, it ended with people melting I forget how I got out of that one, I think Young Goku showed up and had this magic power that stopped people from melting that was nice of him :) END OF PART THREE PART FOUR so I was on the crew of Firefly on the Serenity and we were about to meet with that one asshole who tortures people the bald russian guy and since he and Mel tried to kill each other last time we met we demanded that he needed to be tied up in a wheelchair while we talked with him so we were on our way there and Zoe hit her head on something, and passed out so everyone left her behind while she had these vivid hallucinations about going to the meeting, and fucking up really badly every time getting everyone killed blowing everything up and every time she messes up Jean Luc Piccard would walk up to her and facepalm then walk away so this last dream (of zoe's) we were walking in line to the top of this really tall slide the line itself was a giant playpen, like at chucky cheese's with tubes and mesh floor and in line with us were all these obnoxious little kids it was really annoying and also there was a fire fight going on in the playpen with all the little kids the bad guys would pop out from around corners and shoot at us and one after one, our crew members were being killed and when I was finally near the end of the line I crossed this really unstable bridge it was really freaky and when I made it to the other side, I noticed my sock was missing there were these little girls on the other side, and I was like "Hey, grab my sock and bring it over to me" and she was like "no I'm gonna throw it" and below the bridge was an endless pit with no barriers to keep kids from falling off so I was like "No, if you throw it it might fall off" and she was like "don't worry I won't miss" "ok then, at least roll it up, if you throw it like that the air resistance will slow it down and it won't make it" "I'm gonna throw it!" "Roll it up first!" "I'm gonna throw it!" or go into the last dungeon "ROLL IT UP FIRST YOU LITTLE BRAT" and then she threw it and it fell off the side into the pit and I was really pissed did you push her off if you did you win so I just said "screw it" and went down the slide and it was a lot shorter than I expected it to be for such a long line and when I reached the end, captain Piccard was waiting for me and he was like "where's your sock?" and I was like ":I" and he facepalmed then I woke up END OF PART FOUR THE END