oh man you guys I had a crazy dream last night :o was it about me no not this time I was driving cross country and we stopped at this roadside restaurant whose claim to fame was that miraculously, no one ever ate the food there people would order food, dead set on eating it and the food looked and smelled good but when they were about to put it in their mouths, they just weren't in the mood anymore like "eh, I'm full" and every year the restaurant owner sent jars of lemonaide down the river and a news van followed it once to see what happened to it and whenever it washed up on shore, someone would see it and put it back in the water in the second part of the dream Rose from Doctor Who lost a beauty pagent and she and her mother went into a depression and turned their house into a casino with neon paint and hookers everywhere but when the company got too rough, Rose called on the Doctor to rescue her and it was the 11th doctor, who in this incarnation was a literal alien lr I have a link 4 u: http://tinyurl.com/ykhwdnw silver and big eyes and a tail those fursonas are awesome D: anyway, the Doctor went down to Rose's house and he was appalled at what they'd done to the place and then this giant alien grabbed him and was like "$500 I can beat you at a drinking game" and the Doctor was like "Oh, er, I don't drink" "Too bad. $500 on the table or I'll break you in half." so the Doctor put $500 on the table and the big alien was like "Whoever can drink the most Greenliver without passing out takes the money." so he poured them both glasses of greenliver and they both drank them and the Doctor started hiccuping and eyes watering and the big alien kept making them drink until finally, the big alien was near dying and the Doctor was fine and the Doctor was like "You idiot, my liver doesn't process greenliver, this was like drinking water to me." and he took the money and kicked the big alien in the head and um then he saw Rose, who was a prostitute now and something about djinni from golden sun what and then I woke up THE END