so I had this dream last night where I was playing this video game and in order to solve one of the puzzles, I had to bring this mushroom up a mountain that was covered in honey and I had to, like, swim through the honey it was really gross and I had to get this boat so I could go to the next level and the navy general who comandeered it from me was an asshole and I forget what I used the mushroom for, but after I died once I forgot to grab it at the begining of the level and climbed that honey mountan, hoping there would be another mushroom I could find, but there weren't any THIS JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER and this tourist who was climbing the honey moutain for spiritual purposes or something was like "oh, there are no mushrooms around here, you have to go back to the begining!" and I was like "FUCK" so I killed myself and went back to the begining too bad that doesn't work irl then I took the mushroom, climbed that stupid mountain AGAIN, and finally was able to use it in the puzzle then I got onto the ship I needed and I was being all solid snake on the guards but I was caught, and one of the guards was like "What was that? ...HEY YOU!" and started chasing after me and I ran up these stairs and then metaknight was there :O and he was like "Hey! Hide in here!" and sent me into this conference room where I hid from the guards then the navy general came in, and started talking with his head scientist, Hojo who was planning on turning the dolphin I was coming to save into a battleship or some stupid shit (my motivation for getting to the ship changed partway through my dream) but he also said where the dolphin was being held so I went below the deck, and he was strapped to the side of the ship so I cut him lose, then rang Wiki to turn him into an item and he turned into a battle ship :D so I started to ride away but the navy general was like "HEY YOU STOP!!!" and then Metaknight grabbed the controls and was like "you man the turret! I'll steer the ship"  lol and so we were speeding through this ocean of honey  lol I was shooting at this giant navy battleship and this big thing under the ocean that was randomly trying to eat us and then we crashed into the honey mountain and we were in this giant fancy cave and now I was Kirby for some reason, and this disembodied voice was like "go this way! defeat the dragon!" and I was like "oh ok" and I got in this giant stone mech that hooked onto these metal rails and brought me through the cave so then metaknight woke up and was like "oh shit where did max go I hope he didn't go to fight the dragon, because it will probably eat him" (surprisingly, metaknight retained his identity throughout the entire dream) so metaknight started chasing after me on foot and by this time I was already at the dragon which was breathing honey like what wtf man I picked up this sword jammed in a wall, and I was about to fight it, when my mom called and woke me up :/ THE END