I had a dream there was some kind of monster infestation at my school when did you wake up we were locked in our classroom that was one of those mobiles far away from the rest of the school and we weren't allowed to leave for anything, even the bathroom we were flipping through channels trying to get a signal and finally we got a news channel the news started, and it panned around the studio like it was just starting but as soon as the prerecorded bit ended, it showed a deserted news room there were no people or anything, just a few papers on the floor the camera angle started switching; every view was empty, and there were a few angles that were just blue screens "camera 2 malfunction" "camera 6 malfunction" then it got to one of the cameras, and you could see there was blood everywhere no bodies, just blood footprints scratchmarks lol then something grabbed the screen it was a person covered in blood, screaming as loudly as they could into the camera that's when I woke up