I had a dream last night that I was taking a literature class on HP Lovecraft but there was gonna be a ton of reading so I just bought the annotated version of the required text and when I got to class, it was being held on a secret island fortress run by a cult and the teacher was like "ok, we're gonna take down this cult, I hope everyone has the instructions I included in your course reading" and I was like "wait wait, I got a different version!" and the teacher looked at me like "ugh, points off your final grade." So we started wandering around the island there was a hedgemaze that a few people got killed in I was like "god dammit I should have taken the class on translation theory" then when it looked like we had the cultists surrounded and we were going to take them down one of their priests pulled out a statue and started chanting and one by one my classmates started blinking out of existence I think I screamed "you fucking cheater!" right before I disappeared and reappeared in the ocean under an alien sky the ocean extended over the horizon, but the water was so clear I could see the silt deep below the surface it was greenish, and slightly glowing there were no fish or anything, just water and sand and the sky was deep purple and really cloudy but you could see all the stars even behind the clouds, which were the same color as the silt it was eerily beautiful after just wading for a while I saw a black structure on the horizon it was huge and spiky like a sea urchin, with white stripes running down the sides I swam to the structure and met a few of my other classmates and we were like "whelp, we got sent to an alternate dimension, this sucks" "how do we get back?" and no one had any idea but instead of freaking out, we decided to go explore we weren't ready to accept our new existence, I think we were thinking in the backs of our minds that we'd find a way out eventually eventually the ocean got shallow enough that we could walk and one of my classmates had the mystery machine in his backpack, so we were able to drive and after a long time of just driving in a straight line, we saw an island! it was a big barren mountain, no plant life there was some lava on top though when we got to the island, we finally found some fish! there were these dolphins with the legs of humans reverse mermaids I guess with really irritating voices there were giant sea urchins that looked kind of like the first structure we found in the dimension and there were even some fish people who spoke english they were human besides their fins and gills and eyes but they welcomed us, and we hung out for a while on one side of the island there was a structure of pipes and question-mark blocks but since no one had an item that would let us jump we had to pass it by we became good friends with the fish people and stayed there for a year (I think there was a competition that we lost, and one of my classmates was like "don't worry, we'll kick your ass next year!" then suddenly it was the next year and we all had beards) (and we kicked their asses B]) then we saw that one of the fish people had a mushroom or feather or something that would let us jump so we begged him for the item, he said no we ended up going to the village elder for him to resolve it for us and finally the guy gave us the item which we used to activate the pipe structure which created a railroad track just underneath the water and led away from the island and we were like "oh shit, we can finally go on! we have something to guide us!" so quickly we packed our things and drove off and it wasn't until a little while later that we realized we didn't say goodbye to our fish friends we all felt really guilty about it, but we never found out what happened with that I kept expecting the scene to cut back to their reaction after we left, but it never did I just dwelled on it the railroad track led us through a really beautiful section of the world there were a lot more fish and rock structures and stuff and eventually we came across a crashed airplane and we were like "oh dude, do they have airplanes here? Where did that come from!?" but when we got closer, it turned out not to be an airplane it was a native temple that looked like two halves of a plane sticking in the ground <@vivi3000> good morning morning <@vivi3000> dream or acid trip? dream <@vivi3000> ah so we climbed into the temple and sitting in the middle of it was a block covered in ancient runes and I was like "ok shit can anyone read these? I only got the annotated version of the book" and one guy could, but barely, because it had been a while since we took the class and he started translating the script and he was getting really excited, because it looked like we were finally going to get home but my housemate's alarm started going off and he wasn't in the room to turn it off so I woke up :(