ok, so when I went back to sleep after my alarm went off, I was late to class but I did have a pretty cool dream tell us about it I was in this big grassy plain, using this remote control type thing to travel between dimensions and I was fighting with my brother Logan to get the two pieces of this plastic protracter they were hidden somewhere in the plain, and the first one to find both pieces won so I was kicking his ass, I already found one piece and I already knew where the other one was :O so he got his friend, Viral, to help him out this viral: http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/3506/viraljn9.jpg now Viral is a cool guy, but he's not very sportsmanlike so he was pulling all this underhanded shit, interfering with my clicker so I couldn't travel to other dimensions and get the other half Logan got the protracter half while Viral was distracting me, and then he came after me to steal the other half and I was running away, trying not just to get away from them but to steal their half, too but whenever I pressed the button to open up the portal, Logan would just shut it again so finally, I had an idea I pressed the button and lept through the portal, leaving the protractor on the border between dimensions and doing something that worked in dream logic, was able to copy the half I had so then I walked up to Logan and was like "hey, look what I got!" and he was like "WAIT WHAT!?" took out his piece to check that it was still there then I grabbed the real piece from him put it together with the other piece and it turned into a giant robot then Viral came out in his ganmen and was like "HEY BITCH GIVE THAT TO ME and I was all "NEVER" and we were about to fight but then I woke up and was like "oh shit, class started 2 minutes ago" the end