I had a dream last night that I was at a halloween party downtown and all the stores were abandoned including The Hat Company, which had a hat-press inside then this one drunk guy put a cat in the hat press and turned it into a hat and he was stumbling around saying "lol look at my cat hat!" then started eating it and a bunch of people surrounded him and started beating the crap out of him for killing a cat ummm... then I was hired by the mafia to keep this giant machine from harm while they were on vacation and there was this little chicken ghost gremlin thing running around the house driving me crazy then I started shooting at it and accidentally shot a hole in the machine right before the mafia guys came back and they were like "we're very disappointed in you, we thought you could handle the responsibility" and as punishment, they pulled out a Riven linking book and forced me to put my hand on it and I popped up in riven which wasn't actually riven, it was a Myst theme park and my family was there near the tide pool, hanging out and my brothers were playing with a dolphin that was dressed up to look like a whark and they were like "oh sup max! what are you doing here! I thought you were still in school!" and I was like "dude, you didn't invite me? I'm the only one here who's actually beaten myst... :(" so then I started wandering around the theme park you have weird dreams a lot the part where I was protecting the machine was a lot longer and weirder but I can't remember it all :( My dream last night Was about these weird giant bats with leech-like heads And they were attacking and killing all these people D: And one woman was driving away in her car with her baby And one breaks through the window and bites the baby right in the head Then the baby became all evil And it bit the woman's neck and rippe doff all her flesh on her face, neck and chest And there was blood everywhere! oh, I thought you said it bit the baby "in half" yep that was my dream and I was like "wait and then it turned evil?" Nah it bit its head that's pretty freaky and graphic It'd make for a good movie I guess I think you play too many video games ANYWAY so I was wandering around Riven island and I started solving puzzles and collecting books and stuff and I found a library full of actual books and I was like "Oh dude, most of these were burnt in myst, maybe I can finally read them!" but they were mostly gibberish also there were a few actual novels I'd been meaning to read so I just stuck them in my pocket then I opened a drawer with a bunch of linking books in it and I spaces for all 5 of the books I'd collected in my journey so I stuck them in the drawer and closed it and then a countdown started, and an alarm went off and I was like "oh shit it's the escape sequence!" so I ran out to the tide pool area and started screaming "THE ISLAND IS GOING TO BLOW UP EVERYONE RUN!" then I realized that it was all fake and a theme park but shit was really blowing up and the water level was rising a bunch of people were just like "oh cool you beat the puzzle" and didn't move, but I made sure my entire family got out then I ran out across a bridge and to a viewing platform and watched an escape pod fall from the side of the park and Atrus and Kathrine rode out of the escape pod on a jet ski they were both wearing sunglasses and screaming "YEAAAAAAAAH" then Ghen showed up out of a side door right as the park exploded and water started pouring out of the windows there was this guy with a baby standing in front of me but I was like "dude get out of the way, this is my cutscene" then atrus and ghen had a fight and there were more explosions it was like the waterworld show at universal studios then finally ghen was defeated and atrus rode up to the viewing platform and was like "Ok, who destroyed the island, rescued Kathrine and helped me to defeat Ghen!" and I was raising my hand like "Me! Me! It was all me!" and Atrus looked at me and said "Thank you!" then rode away the fire on the park went out and everything started rising back into place and the crowd dispersed and walked back into the park and I was like "Yeah! I won! um, whoo... yeah." and I tried following the actors to ask them questions, since I knew they were all actually game designers who were on the team and I met up with Ghen, who's accent was way different from what it was in the game and he was kind of a jerk I asked him if he'd ever played ICO and he was like "No, I don't have the time, stop asking me questions!" hmm what else nope, then I woke up THE END